The Atomium - 1958
"Designed by the engineer André Waterkeyn for the International Exhibition of Brussels, that took place here in 1958, the Atomium is a structure that is half way between sculpture and architecture, symbolising an iron crystal by the scale of its atoms, magnified 165 billion times." It is amazing to look up at this monumental structure and think of the imagination of its creator and the workers who risked it all to build it. "The Atomium was not intended to survive the Exhibition of 1958. Its popularity and success, however, ensured its place as a major landmark on the Brussels skyline." This year is the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Atomium and as so long ago, visitors are in abundance participating in all types of celebrations. Living in Brussels, it is very easy to frequently visit this wonderful landmark. We have gone several times with friends as well as just by ourselves. Below are several pictures taken during different times at which we have gone to Heysel. Heysel is the commune where the Atomium is, just a few blocks from the royal estates of Laeken.
The first time we saw the Atomium was from the window of the tram we rode to Heysel. It certainly was an impressive sight! February 2007 - When we took a look at the Atomium, we felt a little sad as although it was still a great monument, it seemed desolated and isolated. It was being given a renovation and its surroundings were in a big mess but we still had fun looking at it and discovering a new space in our new home, Brussels.

This was taken on our first visit to the Atomium. Since then, we have gone many times and each time, we enjoy being there and looking out to the city from the top sphere.

These pictures show the "Little Europe" park which has replicas of the most famous places around Europe. You can see a mini Eiffel Tower from Paris, Shiphol Airport (Amterdam - best airport in Europe), etc.

You can just see also a little bit of (Heysel Stadium) soccer field, King Baudouin Stadium. This place has a sad story which happened in 1985 during the European Cup Final when during a riot between rival fans of Liverpool and Juventus teams. 39 fans died after a wall on the stadium collapsed. Since, the stadium has been rebuilt and more precautions have been taken to avoid such a disaster. The modern stadium offers a better view and more pleasant surroundings.